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Triodos Microfinance Fund


Last updated 11 May 2020, by Impactyield.

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Fund geography

Emerging countries (256)

Triodos Microfinance Fund offers investors the opportunity to actively contributing to the development of an inclusive financial sector in developing countries where the majority of people have access to financial services. Access to these services, ranging from loans and savings products to payment facilities and insurance, provides people with the opportunity to improve their living conditions.

Triodos Microfinance Fund provides loans and equity to microfinance institutions and banks in Asia, Africa and Latin America that demonstrate a sustainable approach towards providing financial services to underserved client groups. They have gone through the first phase of growth and are financially sustainable.

Triodos Microfinance Fund is a semi open-end fund with share classes available for institutional investors, high net worth individuals and private banking clients. It is a sub-fund of Triodos SICAV II. A SICAV is an investment company with variable capital. This particular type of SICAV is a non-UCITS scheme registered in Luxembourg

Asset class


Fund style

Financial description

Triodos Microfinance Fund invests in established microfinance institutions and banks and start-up microfinance institutions. Expected allocation: equity (25-35%), quasi equity (10%), debt (50-60%) and liquidity (10%). In 2016, the return of the EUR-denomindated institutional share class amounted to 4.3%.

15 years

of track record


the year funded



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SDG goals

SDG targets

Equal rights to ownership basic services technology and economic resources

Increase access to financial services and markets

Key performance indicators

Fund overview

Asset manager: Triodos Investment Management

Product track record: Fund has 15 years of track record

Target IRR: n.a.

Committed Capital: n.a.

Target return category: Risk-adjusted market-rate of return

Fund domicile:

Product status:


Inception year: 2009

Vintage year: 2009

Target region:

Target close date: n.a.

Product term: Open ended

Assets under management: n.a.

Investment size: Min: 500,000; Max: 10,000,000; Avg: 2,500,000

Co-investment policy:

Currency of investments:

Currency for fund / product figures:

Fund investments to date: 70

Fund investments to date exited or repaid: 0

Management fee: 1.75%

Carried interest: n.a.

Hurdle rate: n.a.%

GIIN Investors' Council Investment: No

Limited Partners / Investors: n.a.

Limited Partner / Investor Type: Family Office, Pension Funds, Other Institutional Investors


E-mail: n.a.


Phone number: +31 30 693 65 00

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Femke Bos

Fund Manager

Impact Performance


Impact thesis

- an active and sustainable contribution to the increasing access to fair and transparent financial services to micro-entrepreneurs and small-and-medium-sized enterprises
- stimulate entrepreneurship in developing countries
Triodos Microfinance Fund makes use of its Sustainability Management System to effectively and unambiguously analyse and assess how the microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the fund's portfolio have embedded its mission and social objectives in their orgnaisations. The system also provides information on the range and diversity of products that MFIs offer, the sectors in which their loan clients are active, whic activities the MFI initiates in order to make care for the environment a prioriry and the way they pursue transparency and fair pricing.
The fund gives information on the following social indicators (per invested microfinance institution): number of savers, number of borrowers, percentage women, percentage rural clients, average loan, loan portfolio, savings portfolio
The key social indicators on fund lever as at year-end 2011 are:
5.1 million: total number of loan clients reached by the MFIs in the portfolio
4.4 million: total number of saving clients reached by the MFIs in the portfolio
EUR 1,288: average loan amount
61%: percentage of female loan clients
43%: percentage of clients in rural areas
50,482: number of people employed by MFIs in the portfolio
More information can be found in the Annual Report.

Impact Management


Financial benchmark

Term Description:
