responsAbility Investments


Last updated 11 July 2020, by Impactyield.

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responsAbility Investments AG is one of the world’s leading independent asset managers specializing in the development-related sectors of emerging economies such as finance, agriculture, health, education and energy. responsAbility provides debt and equity financing to non-listed companies with business models that target the lower-income segment of the population and can thus drive economic growth and social progress. Serving both institutional and private investors, responsAbility offers professionally-managed investment solutions.
Founded in 2003, responsAbility currently has assets under management of USD 1.9 billion, which are invested in over 400 companies in around 80 countries. responsAbility is headquartered in Zurich and has local entities in Paris, Lima, Mumbai and Nairobi. Its shareholders include a broad range of reputable institutions in the Swiss financial market as well as its own employees. responsAbility is authorized by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.

Incorporation year: 2003

Headquarters location:

Currency for fund / product figures:

Total firm assets under management: 1900000000 USD

Membership and other professional affiliations: GIIN Member (Investors' Council or Network Membership)

Years top investment professionals have worked together:


Related people

Kevin Werner

Head of Fund Management

Markus Beeler

Head Product Management

Martin Heimes

Head Financial Institutions Debt Financing

Sabine Fellman

Product Manager

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