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PhiTrust Partenaires


Last updated 12 May 2020, by Impactyield.

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PhiTrust Partenaires is a French company exclusively dedicated to funding and mentoring sustainable social entreprises globally, with a particular focus on Europe and Francophone Africa.

The company invests in non-listed companies which have a positive impact on the future of our community and our planet.

PhiTrust Partenaires provides investors with above market returns (not guaranteed, please see Financial section below) and the possibility to contribute actively to the process of mentoring investees.

PhiTrust Partenaires provides investors with a long term commitment through:

- investments which aim at delivering strong social impact,

- diversification across industries,

- diversification across geographical regions,

- a partnership based on co-investments alongside other socially-oriented partners.

PhiTrust Partenaires is a simplified limited liability company by shares (SAS) with variable capital, incorporated in France. PhiTrust Partenaires targets informed investors, whether they are corporations or individuals, who wish to add a “responsible” dimension to the management of their financial assets.

To date, PhiTrust Partenaires' investors are from Europe.

Financial description

PhiTrust Partenaires invests in sustainable companies that have a strong social mission. As of FY 2013, 8.5 million euros has been invested in both equity and debt in 23 businesses across France, continental Europe and West Africa.
Our intervention takes place on a number of levels:
- Selecting the best companies, using methodology adapted from the world of traditional venture capital to integrate social and environmental criteria,
- Financing these companies according to their needs, adapting our response as best as possible to the real needs of the company, and always as a minority shareholder,
- Supporting entrepreneurs, particularly in the implementation of development strategies, by taking an active role in their Board of directors, Strategic committee…,
- Monitoring activities and measuring their impact with accurate and regular "reporting", tailored and adjusted to reflect the reality and day to day operations of each investee.
PhiTrust Partenaires seeks to generate tangible results for the beneficiaires of its investees and return for its investors (social/environmental impact along with financial return).
PhiTrust Partenaires targets informed investors, whether they are corporations or individuals, who wish to add a “responsible” dimension to the management of their financial assets. PhiTrust Partenaires also offers investors the opportunity to actively participate in tracking and mentoring the companies in its portfolio.

19 years

of track record


the year funded

30,000,000 EUR


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Asset manager

PhiTrust Active Investors


Headquarters location:

SDG goals

SDG targets

Equal rights to ownership basic services technology and economic resources

Full employment and decent work with equal pay

Increase access to financial services and markets

Key performance indicators

Fund overview

Asset manager: PhiTrust Active Investors

Product track record: Fund has 19 years of track record

Target IRR: 3%

Committed Capital: 12,000,000 EUR (Euro)

Target return category: Risk-adjusted market-rate of return

Fund domicile:

Product status:

Style/Stage: ,

Inception year: 2005

Vintage year: 2006

Target region: ,

Target close date: n.a.

Product term: n.a.

Assets under management: 30,000,000 EUR (Euro)

Investment size: Min: 15,000; Max: 1,000,000; Avg: 300,000

Co-investment policy: ,

Currency of investments:

Currency for fund / product figures:

Fund investments to date: 23

Fund investments to date exited or repaid: 4

Management fee: 2%

Carried interest: n.a.

Hurdle rate: n.a.

GIIN Investors' Council Investment: No

Limited Partners / Investors: n.a.

Limited Partner / Investor Type: Development Finance Institution (DFI), Family Office, Pension Funds, Other Institutional Investors




Phone number: +33 1 55 35 07 55

If you wish to have your details removed from this database please email

Chloé Tuot

Investment Officer

Florence Goudchaux

Director, Social Investment

Impact Performance


Impact thesis

Today, social entrepreneurs who are developing a sustainable project face two types of challenges:
1. Obtaining financing from investors:
- who understand the social or environmental nature of their project,
- who accept that the return on their investment is not necessarily at the same level as those of traditional companies,
2. Finding the right expertise to mentor them on both financial and social aspects
The market of investors looking towards socially-oriented businesses is expanding beyond public financing, and increasingly includes individuals and private companies. These investors have high expectations and seek a quantifiable return, both financial and social/environmental. With the growing credit-worthiness of this sector, there has been an exponential increase in the number of innovative and sustainable social projects being developed. However, these new businesses require tailored mentoring to ensure that they meet financial requirements while ensuring that the social impact is as significant as expected.
PhiTrust Partenaires has emerged as a leader in French impact investing and by bridging the divide between investors and innovative projects, has become a catalyst for 22 social entrepreneurs in France, continental Europe, Africa and Asia.

Impact Management
