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Ngapartji-Ngapartji Investment Fund


Last updated 13 May 2020, by Impactyield.

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The Fund is intended to provide Investors with the opportunity to have exposure to investment in large areas of agricultural property within Australia including both livestock and broad acre managed by EIMA, with the intention of providing returns from the growing demand for food products from Australia both nationally and in the international market.

Initially, the Fund intends to acquire interests in large scale livestock properties in its own right, or in joint ventures with Traditional Owners, specializing in beef production but will subsequently seek out investment opportunities in sheep and broad acre farming properties.

The Fund will seek to provide opportunities to benefit from the potential revenue streams from

trading carbon credits on the voluntary and compliance carbon credit markets.

Financial description

Key Features of the Investment Strategy Rollout Strategy
Phase One:
EIMA will initially focus on acquiring interests in large scale livestock properties, and partnering with Indigenous communities, specializing in beef production in the Kimberley and other beef farming areas in Northern Australia.
Phase Two:
Subsequently, EIMA proposes to expand the operations of the Fund, both geographically and in farming terms. In Phase Two, the focus of EIMA will include other farming areas within Australia, in particular NSW and Queensland and it will also include a wider range of food production, including mutton/lamb/wool properties and a range of grain, horticulture and other crop production properties. EIMA expects that Phase Two will start one year after the start of Phase One.
It is intended that in both Phase One and Phase Two, EIMA will acquire interests in properties or businesses through acquisition of either freehold or leasehold interests and through Ngapartji – Ngapartji joint ventures with Traditional Owners. The property, the subject of the joint venture will remain in the ownership of the Traditional Owners. EIMA will manage and supervise the introduction of the ‘RegenAg’ and holistic farming techniques onto the properties. It is intended that net revenues from the joint ventures will be divided equally between the Fund and the Traditional Owners.
For more information please refer to the Fund's Information Memorandum.

14 years

of track record


the year funded



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Asset manager

SDG goals

SDG targets

Sustainable food production and resilient agricultural practices

Improve water quality, wastewater treatment and safe reuse

Full employment and decent work with equal pay

Key performance indicators

Fund overview

Asset manager: Ecosystems Investment Management (Australia)

Product track record: Fund has 14 years of track record

Target IRR: n.a.

Committed Capital: n.a.

Target return category: Risk-adjusted market-rate of return

Fund domicile:

Product status:


Inception year: 2010

Vintage year: n.a.

Target region: , , ,

Target close date: n.a.

Product term: 8 years

Assets under management: n.a.

Investment size: Min: 10,000,000; Max: 20,000,000; Avg: 5,000,000

Co-investment policy:

Currency of investments:

Currency for fund / product figures:

Fund investments to date: 0

Fund investments to date exited or repaid: 0

Management fee: 1.7%

Carried interest: 20.5%

Hurdle rate: 8.50%%

GIIN Investors' Council Investment: No

Limited Partners / Investors: n.a.

Limited Partner / Investor Type: Endowments/Foundations, Family Office, Pension Funds, Other Institutional Investors


E-mail: n.a.


Phone number: +61 (0)2 9955 9633

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Jason Hayward-Jones

Head of Operations

Richard Sheargold

CEO / Fund Manager

Impact Performance


Impact thesis

Key features - The Fund has two principal key features:
A) Regenerative Agriculture
• Key members of the EIMA management team have developed Regenerative Agriculture (‘RegenAg’) and
holistic land management techniques which are designed a) to increase the yield from both stock and broad acre crops and b) to aid the natural process of increasing the soil carbon content which, in addition to improving the quality of the land and therefore yield on that land, also provides the potential for access to additional revenue streams through the generation of carbon credits and other valuable agriculturally generated credits.
B) Relationships with Traditional Owners*
• The Fund intends to acquire properties and also importantly to enter into joint ventures with Traditional Owners for the management and development of large areas of agricultural properties owned by Traditional Owners (Indigenous Australians), thereby gaining access to valuable and sizeable agricultural land not otherwise available to investors or other funds. The Fund will seek to acquire land in its own right adjacent to the Indigenous land thereby providing opportunities for significant economies of scale in the management of the neighbouring
• EIMA as manager of the Fund comprises a management team which includes senior members of the Aboriginal community and over 50% of the shares of EIMA are owned or controlled by Aboriginal entities.

Impact Management
