Impact funds benchmarked to the Cat 50%DJ Wilshire Global REIT Index&Dow Jones UBS Commodity Index Total Return

The Wilshire Global Real Estate Investment Trust IndexSM (Wilshire Global REIT) measures global publicly-traded real estate investment trusts. Designed to offer a market-based index that is more reflective of real estate held by pension funds, the Wilshire Global REIT Index is a subset of the Wilshire Global Real Estate Securities IndexSM (Wilshire Global RESI). Dow Jones UBS Commodity Index Total Return tracks prices of futures contracts on physical commodities on the commodity markets. The index is designed to minimize concentration in any one commodity or sector. It currently has 22 commodity futures in seven sectors. No one commodity can compose less than 2% or more than 15% of the index, and no sector can represent more than 33% of the index (as of the annual weightings of the components). The weightings for each commodity included in BCOM are calculated in accordance with rules that ensure that the relative proportion of each of the underlying individual commodities reflects its global economic significance and market liquidity. Annual rebalancing and reweighting ensure that diversity is maintained over time.

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