Edit NISABA Impact Investment Fund fund

Please use this form to correct or expand the existing information. Edit the fields following the instructions and send the form to us, our experts will review the information before we update the fund profile and will contact you to confirm the changes

Please, bear in mind that at Impactyield we are committed to quality impact and financial information, having both as complete and accurate as possible is a requirement to be listed in our database

Your details

Please provide your details. All fields are required.

Country were the fund is domiciled

You can choose multiple geographies at different levels: region, sub-region, country, etc. Choose the combination that best describes the fund

Select the SDG goals (and targets if applicable) where the fund is making an impact. Multiple selection

Select the Impact categories (and themes, if applicable) where the fund is making an impact. Multiple selection

Overall description of the fund. Consider financial and impact description

Select the asset class of the fund. Multiple selection is possible

Select the style of the fund. Multiple selection is possible

Full figure

Explain the fund from the financial perspective



Full figure

Full figure


Full figure

Full figure

Full figure

Full figure

Full figure

Full figure

Full figure

in %

in %

in %

Separated by commas

Explain the fund impact strategy, objectives, targets, etc.

Provide all the documentation so that we can create an impact indicators matrix for you (only pdf, jpg, excel, doc, powerpoint, zip or rar). One single file (5 MB max) per upload.

Include country code

Only for information purposes, they will not be displayed anywhere in the site