UNICEF USA Bridge Fund


Last updated 24 May 2020, by Impactyield.

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The Bridge Fund accelerates cash to UNICEF to bridge the timing gaps that often arise between when a financial pledge is made and the cash is secured to improve UNICEF’s ability to ensure children around the world can survive and thrive.. By using a capital pool of fixed-rate, fixed-term loans and grants the Bridge Fund accelerates cash, within days, after a UNICEF request for a bridge is made. We built a vehicle to ensure that UNICEF can purchase vaccines on time to keep immunization campaigns on track, deliver desks that arrive before school starts, and fast-track emergency relief to desperate families just one day after a disaster strikes. Essentially, the Bridge Fund enables UNICEF to manage the timing of financing. It revolves throughout the year as pledges are fulfilled and the fund is replenished maximizing the impact of every dollar. The fund’s low-risk, high-impact profile is attractive to a range of investors seeking to make a difference for the survival and development of the world’s children. Since its launch in 2011, the Bridge Fund has provided $235 million to UNICEF in bridge financing.. Our key differentiation is our connection to UNICEF’s programmatic scale, scope and expertise globally including distribution networks in 190 countries and a United Nations mandated due diligence process for all activities. UNICEF has a unique ability to engage concurrently at multiple levels – global, regional, country and local – supporting collaborative and innovative solutions in a diverse range of national contexts. In turn, impact investing at UNICEF USA has a unique opportunity to drive forward progress toward the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda by fostering meaningful collaboration between public actors and private investors. We established the Bridge Fund in 2011, unique in mission and mandate, to solve a problem – children often need help before financial commitments are fulfilled. With a 7-year track record, we believe this model is the first in many innovative pilots that will be instrumental to drive SDG progress forward, supporting children worldwide.

Incorporation year: 5 – 10 years

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Total firm assets under management: $51 – 99MM

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