Shared Interest.


Last updated 12 July 2020, by Impactyield.

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Shared Interest opened its offices in New York City in September 1994 to provide a vehicle for United States investors to participate in building an equitable South Africa after the abolition of apartheid. In 1996, Shared Interest helped to create Thembani as a not-for-profit South African organization. Through Thembani and other third-party advisors, Shared Interest seeks to leverage locally available knowledge and credit, build on South and Southern African capacity and infrastructure, and strengthen the local economy to enhance the self-sufficiency of communities and the country or region as a whole.

Incorporation year: 1994

Headquarters location:

Currency for fund / product figures:

Total firm assets under management: 15705685 USD

Membership and other professional affiliations: Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE)

Years top investment professionals have worked together:


Funds managed by this asset manager

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Casey Cline

Director of Impact Investing and Operations

Donna Katzin

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John Woodburn

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