Gerding Edlen


Last updated 9 July 2020, by Impactyield.

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Gerding Edlen, one of the nation’s leading real estate investment and development firms, focuses on urban, infill, office, apartment and mixed-use properties. Founded 15 years ago, the firm provides investors and partners an opportunity to achieve returns, creating and owning exceptional properties where people can live, work and learn. Uniquely grounded in the goals of creating transformational buildings, vibrant communities and investment quality assets, Gerding Edlen is committed to building high quality and deeply sustainable properties that ensure enduring value for its investor partners. Gerding Edlen’s Principles of Place guide their development efforts and ensure that their properties create value for residents and tenants by creating and supporting communities. This commitment has led the firm to be a recognized national leader in sustainability, developing or re-developing more than 50 LEED certified or certified pending properties to date. Read more:

Incorporation year: 1996

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Total firm assets under management: 307000000 USD

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Years top investment professionals have worked together:


Funds managed by this asset manager

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