
Last updated 8 July 2020, by Impactyield.

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FMO is the Dutch development bank. We finance companies, projects and financial institutions from developing and emerging markets. We believe that entrepreneurship is key in creating sustainable economic growth and improving people’s quality of life. We specialize in sectors where our contribution can have the highest long-term impact – financial institutions; energy and agribusiness, food & water.
Founded in 1970, FMO is a public-private partnership, with 51% of our shares held by the Dutch state, and 49% held by commercial banks, trade unions and other private-sector representatives. FMO has an AAA rating from Standard & Poor’s.

Incorporation year: 1970

Headquarters location:

Currency for fund / product figures:

Total firm assets under management: 8800000000 EUR

Membership and other professional affiliations: GIIN Member (Investors' Council or Network Membership)

Years top investment professionals have worked together: 5


Funds managed by this asset manager

Related people

Erik Smeets

Investment Manager

Huib-Jan de Ruijter

Director Financial Markets

Nic Wessemius

Business Development Manager

Yvonne Bakkum

Director FMO Investment Management

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