Better Ventures


Last updated 24 May 2020, by Impactyield.

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Better Ventures backs mission-driven founders applying technology and innovation to build a more sustainable and inclusive economy. We invest in areas where technological innovation is enabling a re-imagining of approach that leads to better outcomes including the future of work, value based care, smart cities, and sustainable food systems.. We back smart and scrappy teams of two or more co-founders building highly scalable and capital efficient technology companies that address big global challenges. We look for significant and measurable social or environmental impact potential that is created directly through the use of a company’s products or services or through the supply chains that produce and deliver them. We are currently pursuing opportunities in three investment themes: Opportunity (low-cost web & mobile technologies provide people with access to life-improving opportunities), Health (always-on connectivity and cloud analytics enable improved diagnosis and better preventative health), and Sustainability (technology-driven innovations are accelerating the transition to a more sustainable economy).. Better Ventures has developed an Oakland-based Mission Driven program to catalyze an inclusive tech ecosystem in the East Bay. By creating networking opportunities, convening thought leaders and providing resources to local entrepreneurs, Mission Driven catalyzes the formation of new companies and supports a diverse startup landscape. This program represents a completely unique deal source, helping very young startups be “investment ready” through feedback and technical assistance, putting them on the path to success.

Incorporation year: 5 – 10 years

Headquarters location:

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Total firm assets under management: $26 – 50MM

Membership and other professional affiliations:

Years top investment professionals have worked together:


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