ACTIAM Impact Investing


Last updated 7 July 2020, by Impactyield.

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ACTIAM Impact Investing is the development investments department of ACTIAM. ACTIAM Impact Investing creates value for clients, investees and society by developing, promoting and/or distributing impact investment solutions. These solutions result in market rate returns and a demonstrable contribution to a better world. They are typically accomplished by way of funds, but may also include mandates and advisory services.
Our clients are professional investors such as pension funds, foundations, insurance companies, development finance institutions and other financial institutions. We focus on major European markets. Read more:

Incorporation year: 2007

Headquarters location:

Currency for fund / product figures:

Total firm assets under management: 900000000 EUR

Membership and other professional affiliations: GIIN Member (Investors' Council or Network Membership)

Years top investment professionals have worked together: 8


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