3Sisters Sustainable Management


Last updated 21 April 2020, by Impactyield.

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3Sisters Sustainable Management, LLC (3Sisters) is a Registered Investment Advisor, fund incubator and manager of Scarab Funds, LLC that synthesizes professional management with positive sustainable investments in all asset classes. Our unique approach begins with research and due diligence focusing on the most relevant long-term solutions for our time. Each of our investment strategies can be used singly to fill out existing client portfolios or the strategies may be combined into one healthy ecosystem. With expertise in diverse asset classes, the firm serves wealth advisors, consultants, family offices, high net-worth individuals, foundations and institutional investors.

3Sisters has developed the building blocks for a strategic ecosystem of sustainable investments that works synergistically to sustain people, planet and healthy profits. Strategic because each investment strategy can be allocated by advisors to adjust risk/return expectations; ecosystem because of the diverse assortment of symbiotic investments; and sustainable because the research process focuses on global and local investments in products and services that provide positive social and environmental impact.

Incorporation year: 2011

Headquarters location:

Currency for fund / product figures:

Total firm assets under management: 40000000 USD

Membership and other professional affiliations:

Years top investment professionals have worked together: 14


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