Vox Capital


Last updated 30 November 2020, by Impactyield.

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Vox Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in innovative, high-potential businesses that serve low-income clients and whose activities contribute to reducing poverty. Vox Capital injects capital and provides strategic advice and management support to leverage the financial results and social impacts of these businesses.
Through its portfolio, Vox Capital aims to contribute to the creation of a Brazilian cluster of profitable, large-scale businesses with social impact, capable of attracting talent, innovation and domestic and international investment. As a player in this cluster, Vox Capital intends, over time, to help improve the lives of millions of low-income individuals in Brazil.

Incorporation year: 2009

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Total firm assets under management: 38000000 USD

Membership and other professional affiliations: Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), B-Corp Certified Firm, GIIRS Rated, UN PRI Signatory, GRI Signatory, IMP Partificipant, B Lab Best for the World in the categories Customers and Change Agents

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Antonio Moraes

Managing Partner

Daniel Izzo

CEO & Co-Founder

Kelly Michel

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